Mon, Jun 26, 2017
In Middle Eastern culture, it is believed that the human eyes hold supernatural powers. The power is believed to be unleashed when a gaze is directed upon another individual. If the stare brings about negative emotions in the person, such as feelings of jealousy, envy and anger, then the stare can inflict harm upon the individual whom the gaze is directed at.
Mon, Jun 26, 2017
“All worlds, the Upper and the lower, are inside man. All that is created in the world is for man’s sake and everything lives and develops because of man.”
Tue, Oct 18, 2016
We use the King Solomon amulets in our jewelry. The King Solomon Seals combine various geometric, astrological signs and combinations of Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Arabic phrases, these symbols emphasize the harmony of both heavenly and earthly domains, and are used to assist people in their personal lives.
The King Solomon Amulets provide people the focus and energy to pursue a dream, face a fear or accomplish a desired goal.
The complete guide...
Tue, Oct 18, 2016
Find out about the different Kabbalah amulets we use in our MIZZE jewelry line.
The Kabbalah amulets we use in our jewelry are part of the 72 Names of God selection of names. Kabbalah teaches us that each of the 72 Names - 3 letter combinations (Hebrew letters) attracts unique energy, one that you can connect to with your intention and visual scanning of the letters.
Today thousands around the world, including people who have never learned Kabbalah, use the 72 Name technology as a tool for personal empowerment and spiritual fulfillment.